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Soil is one of the most miraculous piece of life. Soil that host both numerous visible and invisible creatures is the most complex and also the simplest biotope in the world. Soil is our mother who breathes the air and turns wheat into bread. Beyond that, soil is our root in the earth, and it is taken from our ancestors. In every new generation, we are transferring our historical background, cultural essences, sageness and unique values that holds with the soil. As we know how to relate to the soil, we learn to serve and receive service from it.  Moreover, as we give power and fertility to the soil then we will become stronger. Turkey contains a unique treasure in terms of climate, natural resources, soil richness and variety of food. Our land contains the oldest identifiable footprints of agricultural development and the civilization dating back 12,000 years. Number of scientific researches clearly illustrate that the simple plants that feed the world today began to grow through the mountains of our country thousands of years ago. Besides, we are not totally aware of the agricultural assets and values of our country, we do not recognize the proper use and cultivation methods. The most common problem in agri-food sector is lack of holistic approach to generate knowledge.We have the potential to provide services for the whole world apart from our own country by introducing the direct methods and smart policies, but the current agri-food sector conditions cannot meet the desired quantity and quality efficiency. Hereby, there are gaps in food safety from farm to dining table; technological developments that are friendly to natural resources are missed; there is lack of proper communication, confidence and information between the rounds of the agricultural value chain. All in all, the bitter fruits will emerge for our farmers who feed our soil and our consumers who feed on our land: The relation between farmer and agriculture is stucked in the low level, neither being a helping hand to maintain their life nor producing any value for their family or society. The consumer concerns about the lack of accession nutritious food safely and cost-effectively. As it seems obvious, the farmers and consumers have some problems in the situation of food, so that GIFT plays a pioneering role and position themselves with enthusiastic internal dynamics, desire and loyalty. We are conscious of who dedicate themselves to soil, totally read from the same page in the manner of our culture, earnings and peerless heritage. We are fully aware of each steps of foods’ history.

With this understanding, as GİFT, the farmers not only maintain their life but also produce value for their family, society and country. We are here and steadyingly working for the days that paying regard of as a reputable craft that we will proudly leave to our children. As GIFT, we are contributing to a future where the consumers trust the home, the kitchen, the nourishment of the food, and does not have to blow a bundle on to purchase.

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Our Values


Our Methods
